首页 > 元宇宙 > 《幻彩币CHR背后的故事:为什么Chromia值得你投出那一票》



大浪淘沙,岁月洗礼,即便目前DAPP领域风光不在,但是去中心化的应用依然是大家热衷讨论与探索的话题。本期HappyBlock为大家带来币安投票上币项目Chromia,邀请Chromia 联合创始人&首席执行官 Henrik Hjelte和 Kucoin 高级合伙人 Alicia,共同为大家讲述幻彩币(CHR)背后的故事。


Henrik Hjelte  Chromia 联合创始人&首席执行官

30多年的编程经验,乌普萨拉大学经济学学位。 2013年, 彩色币项目领导者Alex Mizrahi将其引入区块链后,Henrik Hjelte与Or Perelman共同创立了ChromaWay,以探索区块链在比特币以外感兴趣的世界。

Alicia Kucoin 高级合伙人



访谈嘉宾:Henrik Hjelte

Qustion 1. Chromia is very active on the market recently. We would like to know the current progress of Chromia. Is there any latest news that you want to share with the community?



We have released Rell, the new programming language that is needed, and supported tooling (online Development Environment, downloadable IDE, documentation). We have released the first testnet in december, and the first project what runs on our Bootstrap Mainnet Green Assets Wallet.

Plans for 2020 are to both release a series of dApps to showcase how fantastic Chromia is, as well as continue to develop the platform. And when it is secure and good enough, we will release the mainnet.

Dapps are now being made by us as well as others. We do a decentralized social network framework called Chromunity, now released to TestNet. It is really cool, users can vote over moderators, and in the future users might even govern the complete application, how it can be updated. This is a great showcase for Chromia and why we use the slogan Power to the Public.

我们已经发布了Rell,是所需的新编程语言,并提供了受支持的工具(在线开发环境,可下载的IDE,文档)。 我们在12月发布了第一个测试网,在我们的Bootstrap Mainnet绿色资产钱包上运行的第一个项目。

2020年的计划是发布一系列DApp,以展示Chromia的出色表现,并继续开发该平台。 等到它安全且足够好时,我们将发布主网。

DApps现在由我们以及其他人制作。 我们做了一个去中心化社交网络框架,称为Chromunity,该框架现已发布到TestNet。 这真的很酷,用户可以投票选举版主,并且将来用户甚至可以管理整个应用程序以及如何对其进行更新。 这是Chromia的绝佳展示,也是我们为什么要使用“公众的力量”口号的原因。


Games coming are:

Mines of Dalarnia (by Workinman Interactive). An action game in a mine with blockchain rental of plots and stuff. Already on TestNet and you can take a peek on it at https://www.minesofdalarnia.com

Krystopia 2, novas journey. A puzzle game done by Antler Interactive.

An indie game Chain of Alliance, done by two external developers. It is a strategy game with full-logic on blockchain. Public release on TestNet on May 22!

A secret demo-project that we do together with Antler to showcase the technical potential of Chromia platform.

More coming in 2020: Other DApps from other companies, one in impact-tech.




Question 2. Let's talk about what makes CHR different. How do you design the role of CHR in Chromia project? What are the functions of CHR for different users? We also know that your project has reached some cooperations with LHV, Swedish Land Registration Department, governments, etc.. Is it convenient to talk about these cooperations?



The main advantage is easiness, thanks to the relational database aspects. Relational databases are run by 100% of the enterprises, (85% of the database market) at the moment, way above any key-value store or NoSQL at the backend. It makes it easier for enterprises to integrate our tech stack to their systems without the need to redo them like in most cases where blockchain pilots have failed. That’s why we had success with customers who live in the Chromia network. It’s very easy for developers to deploy dapps because they already know SQL-style programming. Keep in notice that we worked with customers and developers to build our tech stack while solving problems for them. We didn’t build something unneeded, we had proof of validation from the market.

We chose Ethereum for our token because it’s the goto option for all pre-mainnet tokens because of infrastructure and relatively long history.

Our native Mainnet will support tokens in next release so we will transfer majority of ERC20 tokens to our network.





Question 3: Next, let's talk about ChromaWay. We know that this is a Swedish technology company established as early as 2014, focusing on the real estate and financial industry. Chromia is a project of ChromaWay . What advantages does the combination of traditional financial and technology field bring to Chromia ?



Chromia is a brainchild of ChromaWay. ChromaWay has a long record of delivering pioneering projects around the world. We issued Euros on the Bitcoin blockchain with LHV bank, allowed investors to invest in startups in a wholly decentralised way with Funderbeam, digitized the title transfer process with the Swedish land registry, and mediated the green bond market with SGDF. ChromaWay’s core team created the world’s first protocol to issue tokens already in 2012, when blockchain was called “bitcoin 2.0”. Then ChromaWay introduced the relational model to enterprise blockchains with a consortium database called Postchain. Now Postchain is going public as the foundation for Chromia, a better blockchain for building decentralised apps.

Chromia是ChromaWay的创意。 ChromaWay在全球范围内提供开拓性项目的历史悠久。 我们与LHV银行在比特币区块链上发行了欧元,允许投资者与Funderbeam以完全去中心化的方式投资初创公司,通过瑞典土地注册局对所有权转让流程进行了数字化,并通过SGDF调解了绿色债券市场。 ChromaWay的核心团队于2012年创建了世界上第一个发行代币的协议,当时区块链被称为“比特币2.0”。 然后,ChromaWay通过一个名为Postchain的集团数据库将关系模型引入了企业区块链。 现在,Postchain公开上市,成为Chromia的基础,Chromia是用于构建去中心化应用程序的更好的区块链。


Question 4: As mentioned in the white paper, the Chromia project is committed to providing a new blockchain platform for DAPP. Henrik, could you share with us the problems in the existing DAPP field? How does Chromia solve these problems?



Platforms that other DApps run on have a lot of limitations in terms of scalability and user experience. We believe that in order for a DApp to be useable and become more widely accepted it has to feel like like a normal DApp. A DApp needs to have quick transactions, scale well & shouldn’t require users to pay for each transaction. This is something that is possible now with using Chromia. It’s an extremely exciting time since we are going to see a new generation of DApps.

运行其他DApp的平台在可扩展性和用户体验方面有很多限制。 我们认为,要使DApp可用并得到更广泛的接受,它就必须像普通的DApp。 DApp必须具有快速的交易,良好的扩展性,并且不要求用户为每笔交易付费。 现在,使用Chromia可以做到这一点。 这是一个非常激动人心的时刻,因为我们将要看到新一代的DApp。


Question 5: We have learned that Chromia already has a very good DApp game. Could you introduce these DApps to our community members?



Mines of Dalarnia in collaboration with Workinman Interactive. Play the game here https://www.minesofdalarnia.com

Decentralized social network Chromunity. Try it out here https://testnet.chromunity.com

Chain of Alliance, auto-battler game what runs completely on blockchain https://www.chainofalliance.com

We made an NFT trading game Planetary

Chromia Vault (Wallet) https://vault-testnet.chromia.com

Much more coming soon! Stay tuned on our social media and subscribe to the newsletter on our website :)

还有更多即将推出! 请继续关注我们的社交媒体,并在我们的网站上订阅新闻通讯:)


Question 6: As one of Kucoin's IEO projects, Chromia will have a vote for listing activity in Binance. CHR's airdrop reward is to share 13,500,000 CHR. Do you have anything to say to your fans or users holding BNB?



I hope you vote for CHR。And I want to thank Kucoin for their support during early times and continuing on

我希望你们为CHR投票。并且我希望感谢Kucoin 给我们的早期并且持续进行的支持。


Question 7: We all know that users are important for a project. Chromia has always attached great importance to the development of users. Could you tell us about Chromia's plans on the market / user next?



We have some exciting releases. Some you can see already in early versions. Soon we are happy to show our "Secret gaming" demo project to show the future of blockchain gaming. also of course we and others will do more releases, and improve everything. And finally mainnet, when secure and ready. we have bootstrap mainnet to onboard and kickstart with providers now

我们发布了一些令人兴奋的版本。大家可以在早期版本中看到一些。 不久后,我们将很高兴展示我们的“秘密游戏”演示项目,以展示区块链游戏的未来。 当然,我们和其他人也会发布更多版本,并改进所有功能。 最后,在安全且就绪的情况下,我们会发布主网。 我们已经启动了Mainnet并开始与供应商合作。





So I believe that KuCoin has always been well-known for its strict review of coins. We have a very strict review process. We evaluate and review projects based on many sub-dimensions such as project background, financial status, business potential, technology and development, team members, etc. We have already listed 250 premium coins and over 400 trading pairs.

For projects launched on the Spotlight platform, our review will be more strict. You know, Spotlight projects face much more scrutiny when being listed than others.

After a detailed inspection of Chromia, we found that Chromia not only solves the problem of low TPS in traditional blockchains, but also has unique advantages. For example, Chromia moved the relational database almost completely to the blockchain, allowing DApps to better manage the data. Also, each DApp will have its own blockchain, Each blockchain is run by a subset of nodes, thus by increasing the number of nodes can increase total throughput. Chromia does not charge dapp users for each transaction they make, instead collecting fees from dapps as a whole. This leaves developers free to create their own fee and resource use policies, greatly reducing the user threshold.

We also want to promote the implementation of large-scale commercial applications of blockchain and create more commercial value together with more high-quality projects similar to Chromia.








Yeap, we keep helping high-quality projects grow and develop better, because only more high-quality projects can promote the progress of this industry.

We will use our accumulated high-quality resources in the industry to help the projects develop further. For example,to help projects doing fund raising, we also help projects to build credibility through our rigorous screening process. We also publicly introduce the project to the entire blockchain industry to help raise the visibility of the project. However, I think the most important thing is that we helped the project get a lot of early users, because a lot of the early investors will become users of the project.

Due to the different development statuses and stages of each project, the way we cooperate with each project will also be based on their specific situation. For Chromia, we are deeply involved in their ecosystem. We have participated in the campaign for Chromia verifier nodes. CHR will be made available on Pool-X very soon. I believe that in the future, we will develop more forms of cooperation with Chromia.






Community question 1: We know that the Chromia team has a strong background. Everyone has some achievements in their field. Could you briefly introduce the team to the community members and share a short story about team members?



Ok, I'm starting with us (Chromia) Pioneers of blockchain since 2012, when our CTO Alex made the first protocol for tokens, and then lead the open-source colored-coins project that inspired Ethereum(Vitalik was in the project ) and a lot of enterprise projects. We started a company in 2014, worked mainly with enterprise blockchain but are now doing Chromia.

Myself: 35 years as a developer, but educated more in economics, social sciences and business. Started a web startup where I got to know Alex Mizrahi our CTO, and he introduced me to bitcoin in 2012-13.

3rd co-founder Or Perelman studied law, founded Safebit, the worlds first user-friendly bitcoin wallet (with the now CTO of Ripple), and has worked in marketing

好的,我从(Chromia)区块链的先驱者开始的。自2012年以来,我们的首席技术官Alex制作了第一个代币协议,然后领导了启发以太坊的开源彩色币项目(Vitalik参与了该项目)以及很多企业项目。 我们于2014年成立了一家公司,主要与企业区块链合作,但现在正在做Chromia。

我本人:作为开发人员已有35年,但接受过经济学,社会科学和商业方面的教育。 创立了一家网络初创公司,在那里我认识了我们的CTO Alex Mizrahi,他在2012-13年向我介绍了比特币。

第三位联合创始人Or Perelman学习法律,创立了世界上第一个用户友好型比特币钱包Safebit(现任Ripple的首席技术官),并从事市场营销工作


Community Question 2: Right now, many people are looking forward to the emergence of popular products for public users in the DApp market. How far do you think we are from the popularity of DAPP applications?

社区问题 2:大家都在期待DApp市场出现对C端用户的爆款产品出现,你觉得我们离DApp应用的普及还有多远?


Platforms that other DApps run on have a lot of limitations in terms of scalability and user experience. We believe that in order for a DApp to be useable and become more widely accepted it has to feel like like a normal DApp. A DApp needs to have quick transactions, scale well & shouldn’t require users to pay for each transaction. This is something that is possible now with using Chromia. It’s an extremely exciting time since we are going to see a new generation of DApps.

运行其他DApp的平台在可扩展性和用户体验方面有很多限制。 我们认为,要使DApp可用并得到更广泛的接受,它就必须像普通的DApp。 DApp必须能快速的交易,有良好的扩展性,并且不要求用户为每笔交易付费。 现在,使用Chromia可以做到这一点。 这是一个非常激动人心的时刻,因为我们将要看到新一代的DApp。


Community Question 3: What would CHR look like under DAPP mechanism?

社区问题3:在 Dapp机制下的CHR会有什么样的功能表现?


CHR is used to pay for running applications, by the application developer normaily, not users.

It is also used to move money between applications.

CHR is also used as stake, collateral. For example: if someone in the system (a provider maybe) misbehaves, money can be take automatically.

Every dapp has it's own blockchain (or several), and can have its own currency (or currencies). No need to only use CHR.




